There are no specific food trucks for the event, we suggest checking the opening hours of your favourite vendors in the City to eat before or after the event.
The accessible viewing area, marked on the map below, is located on St Georges Tce (Northern side), between Victoria Ave and Irwin St. It is close to the accessible toilets on Irwin St. The space is barricaded off and controlled by security to allow all wheelchair users entry, along with one companion. The space is not elevated, however it backs directly onto
St. Georges Tce, so other spectators cannot stand in front of the area and block the view.

There are multiple medical facilities through out the event, please refer to the map above for their location.
There are accessible toilets throughout the centre of the City, that can be used for people with disability and carers who may be of the same or different gender.
The City has two Changing Places facilities. Changing Places are secure, clean facilities for people with disability who need space and assistance to use the bathroom when out and about in Perth City. Changing Places are not standard accessible toilets – they include a hoist, adult changing table, automatic door and space for two people to assist the user with their needs.
The Changing Places facilities are located at:
Elizabeth Quay – located near the water park
Citiplace Rest Centre – 378 Wellington Street, Perth WA
Click here for more information on accessibility transportation & services in the City of Perth